
A ′one stop shop′ for conveyancing searches.


Please use the links below to view Property Solutions services.

Drainage and Water Enquiries

CON29DW Residential

CON29DW Commercial

Local Authority Searches

CON29 (r), LLC1, CON29 (o)

Personal Local Authority Searches

Coal Authority


Ground Stability Report

Enviro All-in-One

No Search Certificate


Envirosearch Residential

Homecheck Professional

Sitecheck Assess

Landmark Planning

Sitecheck Planning

Landmark Flood

RiskView Residential

Climate Change Residential

Climate Change Commercial


GroundSure Homescreen

GroundSure Homebuyers

GroundSure Screening

GroundSure Review

GroundSure Planning

GroundSure Planview

GroundSure Flood

GroundSure Floodview

Groundsure Avista

Argyll Environmental

Argyll Sitesolutions Residence

Argyll Sitesolutions Commercial

Argyll Sitesolutions Energy and Infrastructure

Argyll Sitesolutions Highways Report for Commercial Properties

Argyll Floodsolutions Commercial

CLS Property Insight Limited

Defective title and indemnity insurance



Other mining searches

Limestone Mining Search
A search carried out with the relevant local authority to ascertain the presence of any disused underground limestone workings that could cause subsidence.

Cornwall Tin Mining
A detailed desk top interpretative report based on detailed archive data, the report is written in plain English and contains a concise conclusion. Where a search identifies significant mining features within 20 meters of the property a plan is included to assist interpretation. Recommendations for further work may be included in instances where there appears to be significant risk of subsidence.

China & Ball clay search
A report based on mining company data that provides details of former clay mining activities that may affect a property within Cornwall, Devon & Dorsett.

Bristol Mining
Each Bristol Mining search contains:

1. A brief mining history of the site and adjacent land, including any known workings.
2. The proximity of shafts and other mine entries to the property or site.
3. The position, course and condition of any water and drainage levels.
4. A description of the geology including the coal seam sequence when known, both worked and unworked.
5. An indication of any subsidence known to us in the immediate vicinity.
6. And where appropriate a description of any industrial history which could lead to contamination or subsidence from causes other than coal mining.

British Gypsum
A search carried out with the British Gypsum Company to ascertain the presence of any gypsum mine workings that could cause subsidence. If an entry is revealed the search will also give advice regarding who to contact to make further enquiries.

Land Registry

Index Map Search (form SIM)
Details whether the land searched against is already registered or is subject to a pending application or caution against first registration or existence of a registered rent charge or affecting franchise.

Franchise and Manors
Details whether any registered franchise or manor relates to the administrative area(s) searched together with the title numbers affected and the type of registration. A franchise is a right or privilege granted by the Crown. Examples include the right to take a toll or the right to hold a fair or market. It is an intangible right. It does not involve ownership of the physical land and is separate from any freehold or leasehold interests in the land itself. The registered manors that appear in the index are for lordship titles. The lordship of the manor is simply the title by which the lord of the manor is known. In many cases the title will no longer have any land or rights attached to it.

Evidence of Title
Official copies of the title which will include up to date entries affecting the property title.


Gas searches
Enquiries are made to ascertain:

•the routes of pipes and ducts within the vicinity of the land. The results of which are illustrated on a plan supplied by the relevant data provider

•to determine whether there are any rights / grants of easements and Way-leave agreements affecting the land subject of the search

Electricity searches
Enquiries are made to:

•provide details of any existing or proposed overhead or underground electricity equipment in your ownership or control affecting the Property

•forward copies of any wayleaves or agreements affecting the Property and supply details of payments made under those wayleaves and agreements

•provide a copy of a plan showing the route and location of the matters in 1 and 2 are.

•advise whether there is an electricity supply for the Property, its location and capacity and confirm that this has been satisfactory. If the property is not connected the search will show where the nearest mains connection is.

Telecoms searches
Enquiries are mainly carried out when dealing with commercial properties, development or redevelopment sites. The Information supplied by the data provider will generally reveal on a plan supplied by them, the approximate positions of the existing apparatus within the vicinity of the land subject of the search. Such apparatus including, poles and overhead cables, distribution points, kiosks, jointing chambers, underground routes (ducts / cables), inspection chambers. Details of easements and way leave agreements affecting the land are also provided.


Transportation searches
Enquiries are made of transport infrastructure providers to ascertain if a property will be affected by any potential development work associated with extension or development of their networks.

Forestry Commission search
Enquiries are made of the Forestry Commission to ascertain if a property will be affected by any Forestry Commission schemes and whether the Forestry Commission has entered into any legal agreements with the current property owner.

British Waterways search
Enquiries are made of British Waterways to ascertain: Ownership of river banks and canals, liability for repairs and maintenance of riverbanks and canals, fishing rights, licenses to abstract water, drainage rights, liability for flooding from rivers, rights of way affecting towpaths along side of canals.


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to arrange to meet with one of our team to discuss our services.

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